For all we often like to complain, the workplace can offer us that valuable experience that all those boring, entitled boomers won't shut up about. For example, it teaches us how to time our lunch to when the microwave in the break room is most likely to be free, or what words and phrases to avoid if we don't want our annoying coworker to start ranting and raving.
Yep, when it comes to that much-praised life experience, it's undeniable that working can play a vital part. It also carries the benefit of allowing us to relate to the world of work memes, which offer expertly crafted humor about the specific trials and tribulations that we deal with when we clock in. We all need our coping mechanisms to get through the working week, and making stupid jokes about it is one of the better ones. Just don't show these to your boss.
Yep, when it comes to that much-praised life experience, it's undeniable that working can play a vital part. It also carries the benefit of allowing us to relate to the world of work memes, which offer expertly crafted humor about the specific trials and tribulations that we deal with when we clock in. We all need our coping mechanisms to get through the working week, and making stupid jokes about it is one of the better ones. Just don't show these to your boss.