I'm no gambler, but I would wager that most people who read this have had those days when they have woken up and immediately wished that they hadn't. Sometimes living seems like a lot of effort, but we have to do it nonetheless. It's not always easy to get over this hurdle, but there are some tricks we can use to make it seem less overpowering. One of these is peppering our time with uplifting tidbits that distract us from everything else seeming like a total drag. Memes are the perfect helper when it comes to this, taking only a few minutes (unless we get carried away) yet giving us something to look back on and chuckle about for a much longer period. The ones that can be found here are all chances for you to find your next minor pick-me-up, and that is something to look forward to even if you aren't going to enjoy the rest of your morning.